Our mission

A word from our CEO:

Through the years of its existence, Onego Shipping & Chartering  has grown from a small, practically “one man show”, business operation to the company we know today: an international company with years of valuable experience, precious in-depth knowledge of the market and, last but not least, a young dedicated team always ready for all the market challenges.  This unique combination, together with an honest and friendly approach, serves our company’s goals perfectly: our clients benefit from great staff, great service and great results. First time. Every time. Through the years.  This is how we aim to accomplish our vision: to be the leading shipping services provider in our sector of the market.

Our company mission and values serve as a compass as we navigate the changes in the shipping market, to achieve our common goal of “serving the varied needs of our clients through experience, innovation and flexibility”.  The trust of our customers, as well as our employees, is our main inspiration in this sophisticated and rewarding business. Every year I have the privilege to visit our customers, employees, partners, and stakeholders around the world. It’s a unique opportunity for me to see how people affect, and are affected by, Onego’s activities. As a company we have a great responsibility and take pride in fulfilling it for our customers.

I assure you that we will always keep our principles in mind alongside our daily work priorities: people, service excellence, integrity and responsibility.


Yours sincerely,

Marcel van Eijsden

CEO of Onego Shipping & Chartering B.V.